By-Product Industries Inc. Awarded $1.7 Million Economic Development Loan, Says Wentling
March 2, 2023
HARRISBURG – Rep. Parke Wentling (R-Mercer) announced that the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) approved a $1.7 million loan for By-Product Industries Inc, through Penn-Northwest Development Corporation, to assist with job creation and business growth.
The funding will be used to acquire and renovate a 250,000-square-foot facility and a 20,000-square-foot office complex located at 100 York St. in Greenville, Hempfield Township, to expand the company’s existing business and create opportunities into the southern and western United States and Canada. The company will retain 51 jobs and create 22 new full-time jobs within three years.
“Investments in projects that seek to expand opportunities and support good, family-sustaining careers here in Mercer County are crucial, and I am thankful to see this happen within the district I am so honored to serve,” Wentling said.
“We have been working with the owners for over a year for them to locate in Greenville, and I am thrilled to see this finally come to fruition,” said Rod Wilt, executive director at Penn-Northwest Development Corporation. “They’re a great family who are committed to the community by focusing on hiring local people to grow their business and our economy. I look forward to hearing about the great work they’ll do for our region.”
The Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority (PIDA) authorized the 15-year loan at a 1.5% reset interest rate.
PIDA loans can be used for land and building acquisitions; construction and renovation costs; machinery and equipment purchases; working capital and accounts receivable lines of credits; multi-tenant facility projects; and industrial park projects.
Pennsylvania-based businesses across a variety of industries are eligible to apply. This includes agriculture; manufacturing; industrial; research and development; hospitality; defense conversion; recycling; computer-related services; construction; child daycare; mining; retail and service enterprises; and developers.
Representative Parke Wentling
7th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
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